Friday, August 16, 2013

Experience of Filing Notice of Intimation

The Government of Maharashtra has amended the Registration Act 1908 and has implemented the provisions of Registration (Maharashtra Amendment) Act, 2010. The Act has been made applicable on and from 1st April 2013.So if you are mortgaging your home with bank or any other institute than in that case you have to intimate the same to the Registering Officer under whose jurisdiction the property is situated.Recently I submitted the "Notice of Intimation" and I am sharing my experience.
I have taken home loan from SBI-BKC, Mumbai.For document verification and mortgage formalities for release of loan, even though I insisted for Saturday appointment, bank fixed appointment on one of the weekdays and told me that loan disbursement process will take 2 to 3 hrs.Accordingly I had taken half day leave but the process took whole day to complete!! After all the formalities, the verification officer handed me below mentioned franked documents(total franking charges was Rs 7,780 ) and I was asked to submit the same to Registrar office within 30 days.
  1. Form filled with photographs duly attested & signed with seal by authorised person of Mortgagee(Bank).
  2. Receipt of Franking charges (I came to know about this only after reaching Registrar office.Luckily I carrying the receipts.)
  3. Copy of Arrangement Letter.
  4. Copy of Memorandum of Deposit (MOD)
  5. Copy of Home Registration Receipt
  6. Index II
  7. Xerox copy of all the above documents as they will attest the same once filling procedure is over. 
Apart from the above documents, carry:
  1. Demand Draft of Rs 1000 favouring Joint Sub Registrar (belonging to area where your property is located).
  2. Cash Rs 300 for registration and document handling charges at Registrar office.
On requesting for the guidance on notice submission process to Sub Registrar office, the bank  officer told me that he was new so cannot guide me.I was all my own.

Visiting Sub Registrar office and submitting the intimation notice, for me, was again one day affair.
I had to submit the doc to Vasai sub registrar office.On googling a bit I found that there are 3 sub registrar office named as 
  1. Sub-Registrar, Vasai-1 Tahsil Office Compound, Taluka Vasai, District Thane.
  2. Sub-Registrar, Vasai-2 (Virar) Vishnu Pratibha Complex, near S T Stand, Virar West,Taluka Vasai, District Thane.
  3. Sub-Registrar, Vasai-3 (Nalasopara)Yashomangal Complex Tulig, Nalasopara east, Dist Thane.
Not sure about requesting DD in favour of Sub-Registrar Vasai-1 or Vasai-2 or Vasia-3, I had requested DD in favour of Sub-Registrar, Vasai-1 (this is where my property is registered). Once I reached Sub-Registrar office(Vasai-1) in Vasai West, I was told that "Notice of Intimation" is accepted by Sub-Registrar, Vasai-3 in Nalasopara East.I reached Vasai-3 office at 1 p.m only to be told that "Notice of Intimation" is accepted everyday from 7:30 am to 12:30 pm.Phew!! I was wondering what to do when somebody told me that a new Sub-Registrar office has been opened in Nalasopara West and they accept the "Notice of Intimation" from 2 p.m to 5 p.m but he did not know the address.Not willing to waste another working day I rushed to Nalasopara West and after roaming around quite a bit asking people for new sub-registrar office location I finally reached.There I came to know that the DD has to be in compulsorily in name of Joint Sub-Registrar  Vasai or  Joint Sub-Registrar Vasai -4 or  Joint Sub-Registrar, Class II,  Vasai -4 (I was carrying DD in favour of Sub-Registrar Vasai -1).Hence I had to rush to nearby bank to request for new DD (I fail to understand why can't these basic information/checklist be made available online to public!!).After collecting DD I submitted the documents and now had to wait for collecting the receipt of payment.Finally the receipt was handed to me at 7:30 pm.All Done.Next I had to go to SBI-BKC to submit the receipt.
Just because basic piece of information (office address,office timing,DD in favour of whom etc) was not available to me I had to struggle.So, I thought to share the same.(As of now the Vasai-4 office address is not available online hence below is the address:
Joint Sub-Registrar Vasai - 4,
Grnd Floor,Sai Narayan Commercial Complex,Nalasopara West
Nearest Land Mark: Devika Distributors ( it is known as Pepsi Godown)
Other land marks: Bharat Gas or Bus Depot
Timing: 3 p.m to 5 p.m
  1. In case your property is registered with Vasai Sub-Registrar, "Notice of Intimation" is accepted only at Sub-Registrar, Vasai-3 (Nalasopara), Nalasopara East from 7:30 am to 12:30 pm and at Sub-Registrar, Vasai-4 , Nalasopara West from 3 pm to 5:00 pm (that what was told to me).
  2. DD should be in favour of Joint Sub-Registrar , Vasai so that irrespective of whichever office you visit (Vasai - 3 or Vasai - 4) DD will be accepted.
  3. Depending on loan providing institution the documents may vary.
  4. In case you go through broker they may charge you approx Rs 2500 which includes registration charges and broker fee (this information was shared by one of broker present at Vasai-4 office).
  5. As being told to me, if you are not able to submit the notice in 30 days then you have to pay fine of Rs 30,000 /- ( For further understanding do refer to links and )

This is all from my experience.Hope this helps.